Once you finish clipping and modifying the raster, you'll save it to your project. Because you're using portal data instead of locally saved data, you'll need to use raster functions instead of the similar geoprocessing tools. On the fly means that the clip is performed every time you need to access the data, rather than only once so that you must save the results. Then, you'll use on-the-fly processing to clip the data to your community boundary and regulatory floodplain. This process will remove impervious surfaces that are ineligible for the program. Then, you'll use a raster processing template to filter out raster cells below a certain value.

Now that you've seen the community data available, you'll add the Open Space Preservation Community Rating System raster image service to your map. Modify a raster image service processing template Lookup tables like this provide an efficient way to store a lot of information. Due to the amount of records, you'll filter the national scale dataset before you join this information back to the data.
Download and open the projectįirst, you'll download and familiarize yourself with the data for your community, Georgetown County, South Carolina.Įach unique OBJECTID contains all the attributes for the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PADUS) that you'll eventually join to your parcel data. Finally, you'll save the ArcGIS Living Atlas raster locally and create an attribute table for it. Then you'll clip the raster so you only have your county of interest. First, you'll filter out impervious surfaces. You'll use a ArcGIS Living Atlas raster image of the United States and raster functions to prepare it for parcel-scale analysis. This data is more readily available at a national scale. In many cases, it's difficult to obtain the detailed large-scale data needed for floodplain analysis. The parcel is preserved as open space by a long term contract from the private owner or public agency.īecause of these constraints, it's easiest to consider public lands, such as parks, and non-profit lands, such as a church or Boy Scout camp.The parcel is open space, meaning it has no buildings, significant areas of pavement or other impervious surfaces, or dumps.The parcel is located in the FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain.

These areas must meet the following criteria: The Community Rating System (CRS) only gives discounts for specific types of open space.